Attending the African Women in Dialogue (AfWID) conference this year was a truly enriching experience. We were fortunate to engage with women delegates from 55 African countries.
2024 marked the seventh year of the Feminist Internet Research Network (FIRN) since its inception in 2019.
In the third cycle of the Feminist Internet Research Network (FIRN), our research focused on technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV).
Sri Lankan women are having fun on the internet, and Sachini Perera and I were happy to talk about it at the Imagine a Feminist Internet Conference.
When I proposed this article, my aim was to share my research and the role of power in participation. I was interested in sharing my experiences as a researcher working with 7 white German elderly women and the power relations present in our interactions.
Feminist ways of knowing have paid close attention to the power dynamics of knowledge-making and extraction. In this editorial, we look at how these questions are of importance especially in relation to research that seeks to contribute to liberation and transformation of technology to be used by women and people of diverse sexualities and genders.